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Closing Services

Closing Services

Closing Services In The Rosarito Beach Area


Closing a real estate transaction in the country where you live can be complicated. Completing a real estate transaction in a foreign country can be even more complicated.

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That is why it is important to have a professional closing service to help you complete your real estate transaction by making sure the process goes as smoothly as possible and at an affordable rate.

It is important to factor in your closing costs when looking for a property. Closing costs in Rosarito can range between 6% to 8% or more of the purchase price. 

There are many things that can affect your closing costs:

  • Property location 
  • Buyers citizenship 
  • Bank used to set up your trust 
  • If trust is being transferred or a new trust is being set up 
  • Notario that will be used and so on

It is important not only to use a professional closing company but to have a trained real estate agent help you negotiate your closing fees. A well trained real estate agent will know which fees are negotiable and which are fixed costs.

Options For Closing Services In The Rosarito Beach Area:

Baja Title Closing Services

Omar Lima | Owner
+52 (661) 100-6953 | Mexico
(619) 489-2819 | U.S.
bajatitle Facebook

Secure Title Latin America

Liliana Cota | General Manager
+52 (661) 100-2403 | Mexico
(619) 819-5591 | U.S.

Attorneys & Notarios in Rosarito Beach

Socrates Luna – Attorney
+52 (661) 612-0350 | Phone 1
+52 (664) 631-3464 | Phone 2

Notaria #1

Luis Durazo Bazua
+52 (661) 100-612-3209 | Mx Phone

Notaria #2

Ana C. Thomas Moreno
+52 (661) 612-2200 | Phone 1
+52 (611) 612-2221 | Phone 2