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Mexican Real Estate Closing Services – Baja Legal Advice

Mexican Real Estate Closing Services – Baja Legal Advice

Closing Services

I have been providing closing services since the mid-nineties thus have put together dozens of purchases, legally and seamlessly, thus identify and minimize delays. I provide the utmost degree of professionalism.

Real estate agents are trained to sell properties, and normally do not perform due diligence, they simply deliver all paperwork to a notary public who in turn recruits a surveyor to process no lien certificates, appraisals, layouts, etc. nothing else.

 What could go wrong you ask?

  1. Properties are often sold when there are issues with tenants or squatters not willing to move on their own and the buyer trusted the word of the REA that the house or property would be cleared by the time the property is transferred;
  2. Properties are often bought with issues that prevent the seller from legally transferring title to the buyer;
  3. Ongoing or pending litigation; 
  4. Land encroachment issues;
  5. Seller persuades the buyer to accept reporting a lesser transaction value at closing and the buyer “inherits” the seller’s tax liabilities;
  6. Probate and prescription issues;
  7. The land is owned by a developer who isn’t legally able to transfer the property because of not being fully licensed by the State;
  8. Seller and/or the real estate agent failed to disclose relevant issues about the property;
  9. The seller or the buyer is listed with the Office of Foreign Assets Control *

I provide you with the empowerment to:

  • Identify issues that could negatively affect your investment.
  • With the information, I provide you can decide to look elsewhere and protect your investment while also avoiding losses and potential litigation.
  • You will be better prepared to negotiate a fair price.
  • You will be provided with an itemized list of closing costs.
  • I will obtain several competitive quotes from banks, in the case of real estate trusts (Fideicomiso), including surveyors and notaries.
  • I will teach you how to interpret the rights and obligations that come with selling or buying property in Mexico including the most relevant clauses contained in a fideicomiso.
  • With my assistance, you will be able to identify potential tax and contractual liabilities and the support necessary to pay the lowest capital gains (whenever possible).

The Office of Foreign Assets Control is a financial intelligence and enforcement agency of the U.S. Treasury Department. It administers and enforces economic and trade sanctions in support of U.S. national security and foreign policy objectives.

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