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Immigration Services

Immigration Services

Immigration Services In Baja

Contact H&H Consultants Now

USA: +1 (619) 780.1274 

MX: +52 1 (664) 108.2371

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Mexican law has changed over recent years. Some requirements and the names of immigration forms have been updated. For example, the once called FM-T or “Tourist visa” has changed its name to FM-M or  “Multiple Purpose Migratory Form”(forma migratoria múltiple in Spanish). This is not the only Document that has changed its name. The FM-2 and the FM-3 have changed to “Temporary Resident Card” Immigrant or Nonimmigrant respectively.

Immigration services are of the utmost importance to Americans who plan to stay a long time in Mexico. Immigration Law attorneys provide legal services for individuals who are not Mexican citizens, with an emphasis on their legal status here. This includes their legal rights, duties, and obligations when living in and/or visiting Mexico, as well as the federally mandated requirements for entering and/or remaining in the country.

Michelle Reynoso

Mx Number 1:
+52 (664) 638 8698
Mx Number 2:
+52 (664) 374 7472

Jessica Olivarria

U.S. Number: 
+1(619) 272 8246
Mx Number:
+52 (661) 612 0155