Baja Auto Insurance
Free Online Quote From Mexico Auto Insurance
Mexico requires that you have Mexican auto insurance if you are in an accident even if it is not your fault. If you are in an accident and you do not have insurance or the ability to settle immediately you might be detained. It is the law that you carry Mexico Insurance or “proof of financial responsibility” while driving in Mexico.
Some U.S. insurance companies will cover you for a certain distance across the border usually either 25 to 50 miles but they do not cover damages to other parties. We would not recommend that you rely on your U.S. policy in the case of an accident in Mexico. Even though your policy has the potential of coverage, it will not be recognized by the Mexican officials. Yes, you might have the ability to submit a claim to your U.S. insurer but that will not help you at the scene of an accident in Mexico. If you decide to use your U.S. policy to cover your vehicle you should make sure to have a Mexico policy that covers liability.
For example, while in Mexico you caused a serious highway accident in which you hit and totaled another car, resulting in several injuries needing medical attention. After it was found that you were legally responsible for the accident, you would be required to reimburse the driver and passenger in the car you hit for medical expenses they incurred, plus other expenses as determined by the Mexican court, and the value of their vehicle. The liability component of your insurance policy, be it liability-only or full coverage, would pay for any of these expenses up to the limit on the policy.
Auto insurance in Baja is a great deal less expensive than in the U.S. and if you are planning on traveling back and forth more than a few times a year it is recommended to purchase a 6 month or 1 Year policy. Not all Mexico insurance companies are the same and it is worth it to do your homework. We can tell you first hand that it is important to work with a reputable insurance company that is accessible in the case of an accident.
We have worked with many different Auto insurance companies in Mexico and found the company we are recommending to be the most convenient, professional and affordable company to deal with.
You can purchase your policy online in minutes and always have access to reprint and renew your policy online. They offer a wide variety of coverage ranging from daily to semi-annual to annual coverage for all types of vehicles and for all areas in Mexico. The staff is amazing and knowledgeable and that is why we recommend them to all of our clients for all parts of Mexico.
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