Did you know that some of the best real estate deals don’t even make it online?
There’s no formal MLS System here in Baja. Agents are not required to publish their listings like they are in the United States. Because of this, some of the hottest deals never make it online in order for you to get access to these hot deals you’ll need to have one of Baja123.com experienced local real estate experts assistance.
In Baja123.com, these deals are emailed to you in our Hot Property alerts as fast as we hear about them. The fact is some of them can only be accessed by speaking to one of our Rosarito Beach Real Estate Agents.
A common reason for these listings never make it online, is a term called Pocket Listings, it means that an agent is keeping and listed in their pocket and will only share it with their clients and the agents that they trust. Pocket listings are very common here in Baja, and this is just another reason to get on the phone with one of our agents as soon as possible.
Let our agents do the footwork for you, they’re trained to know the good, the bad and the ugly of each neighborhood and development. They know when a good listing goes up for sale, they’re talking to the property owners and the other agents and they know when those good pocket listings are showing up.
Our agents will get those pocket listings in front of you, so you can make an appointment and see the property before anybody else does.
If you’re looking to buying in the Rosarito Beach Area, make sure you give us a call or shoot us an email to agents@baja123.com and let one of Baja123.com’s experienced Rosarito Beach Real Estate Agents do the work for you. It will help to get the best deal and assist you in having a safe and secure transaction from all of us here at Baja123.com.
Thank you for choosing Baja123.com, the Baja’s Best Real Estate website.
If you’re planning on buying or selling in the Rosarito Beach Area,
please give us a call
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