Property Taxes
Property Taxes in Mexico
Property Taxes for Mexico Real Estate are called Impuesto Predial. Property tax ranges from .0275% to 1.350% depending on the zone where the property is located. You can identify the Tax Rate by looking at your property tax bill.
Property Taxes in Rosarito Beach
In the municipality of Rosarito Beach, as of 2015, the tax rate is .171%. Additionally, the municipality includes in your annual property tax two “contributions” which are charged to each property owner. One is your annual tax amount multiplied by 15% which goes towards improvements in athletics and the other is a 10% contribution towards DIF which is a government department that assists with family programs, family adoptions and other social programs for the municipality.
Your annual tax rate along with the two contribution amounts totals the amount of your annual property taxes in Rosarito Beach. If you’ve been late in paying previous year’s bills, those fees will be added onto your tax bill after these calculations.
When are Property Taxes Due in Rosarito?
Property Taxes in Rosarito Beach are due in January for that calendar year. You need to go to the Municipality, or an approved satellite office, to get a copy of the bill, or if you already have a copy these are the offices where you can go to pay for it. Don’t expect the tax bill to come in the mail or attached in an email. As a property owner, you have the obligation to pay your property taxes each year. Payments in January will receive a 10% discount and if they’re not paid by March there will be penalties & late fees added onto the tax. There is bill paying services that can help you take care of this task every year.
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